This document describes the Communications Module for Business programs and links to the resources needed prior to and after the course.

About the Program

The objective of the program is to provide practical experience of managerial communication challenges:

  • Confident, persuasive oral presentation skills
  • Business Presentation skills
  • Habits of good communication
  • Create leaders who have a point of view and the capability to impact those around them

The Importance of Communicating Effectively

We are committed to shaping managers with the integrity and capabilities to build world-class organisations. Our capacity to communicate within the right form and emotional atmosphere is the key to effectiveness, whether on an interpersonal level in meetings, or when delivering presentations in front of larger audiences. Persuasive communication is a skill that can be developed – much like your golf swing or tennis stroke.

In today’s context, a manager is required to reduce the sense of uncertainty about the future by communicating well and often to his peers, employees and customers. Our focus will be on the communications process and the impact managers can make on their organisations and communities through effective communication.

There are four steps to good communication:

  1. Have something good to say (own experiences, others experiences)
  2. Say it well
  3. Read your Audience
  4. Intensity (the right words mixed with measured emotion)

Major Themes

Based on lots of practice and individual feedback, this program trains you to become an effective public speaker by addressing the following capabilities:

  • Structuring your content for speech
  • Establishing personal and professional credibility
  • Using emotional and rational intelligence to persuade others
  • The power of storytelling to communicate your message
  • Non-verbal aspects of communication: authority, energy and audience
  • awareness


Persuasive Communication: Logos, Ethos & Pathos

Communications: Excellent Public Speaking.  Preparing the Logos-Based Speech

Ethos and Pathos: Delivery and Connection

Practical Sessions

Moving People to Action: Soft Power in Organisations

Storytelling: Developing Ethos and Pathos

Further Resources