(As of July 2024, This video has over 19 Million views on Youtube)

There are 3 good ways to start a persuasive speech, but one is the best.

So the question is: Do you start your speeches in this way?

Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think…

7 Responses

  1. Great lessons. I am responsible for presents the financial results of the company that I work. You don’t imagine how your videos have helped me. Thanks for the inspirations and for the lessons that you have loaded in your site. I hope one day you came in Brazil to teach us. Thanks

    1. Tudo bem!
      My grandfather spent 10 years living in Rio de Janiero back in the 1950s – he was the British Consul to Brazil. I spent a week there around Ipanema – wonderful people. Thank you for your kind words. It keeps me inspired to keep sharing this content. Life in 2016 is very different than life in 1956 😉 My grandmother took a boat to get from Belfast to Brazil!

  2. Some people say that American speakers follow a standard way to make a presentation or give a speech. They say what they are going to say; they say it, and finally say what they have just said. Is that true? If so, isn’t also a boring or at least predictable way of starting one speech?

    1. There are a lot of things that must come together for a presentation to be great. Predictable is not necessarily boring… boring is boring. You can be quite predictable, but still very interesting. A lot of motivational speakers deliver the same message every time, with almost the same stories, in much the same order… but something magical happens in the connection between them and the audience.

  3. excellent AS USUAL. You are a master and I follow you with bated breath to hear your next teaching. Thank you,thank you! Regards Wendy – South Africa

  4. I was in the room during this presentation, in Barcelona at the Tango/04 Computing Group Customer Symposium and Business Partner Meeting. Great!