In this video I tell a story about the most important teacher in my life, and what he helped me discover.



My own personal mission statement is “to find my own path to self-belief so that I can help others find their path”.  I believe that we can only begin to believe in ourselves when some other person first shows that they believe in us.  Mr Matz did that for me.


Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think…

PS Here is a little bit more about that awesome biology teacher, Mr Matz.

5 Responses

  1. Conor, thanks for sharing, from a child in my household to an employee at work, finding time and moments to stoke the flame in those around us is truly a gift. At times, we may “over do” it, but not holding back at the appropriate time is “gift”, as you recollect in this video, that lives on!

  2. Hi Connor,
    Thank you for your video and message. I truly believe that teachers are leaders and they can enlighten and make feel someone special or lower their self-steem.
    And, I agree with you, other person has to start believing in us first, so we can believe in ourselves.
    It´s very important and difficult job teachers have in people’s life.

    1. The best teachers are leaders – but it is so hard to find the right balance between conforming to the system and instilling your own values in the classroom… a real challenge

  3. Well done Connor, the power of the story and of self esteem/belief is so profound , as my mentor Stephen Covey said “My definition of leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.”
    My question is can I view the rest of the talk?