Resources that will get you started on our journey together:

Moving People to Action YouTube Channel

My Personal Blog: Moving People to Action

Forbes Magazine

Lifehack Blog

LinkedIn Pulse

VentureBeat, (Global #3 Blog for Startups)

Entrepreneur Communications: Venture Village

IESE Insight Magazine Articles

Jedi Productivity series: Get Important Stuff Done

Do you get the important stuff done?  Do you spend your time on important work…  or are you easily distracted?  These posts will guide your journey from a wilful, novice young pretender who is controlled by time… into a magnificent Jedi who uses time as her own power. We look at setting goals, reducing distractions like email, being effective with other people and the use of time slicing to make small, steady steps of progress.

  1. Obi-Wan says “Be Systematic” if you want Productivity (and balance)
  2. The Emperor’s guide to Goal Setting and the 20 Mile March (LT, ST, habits)
  3. Deal with Darth Vader’s Evil “Urgent” Interruptions
  4. Obi-Wan’s guide to say “No”, (these are not the droids you are looking for…)
  5. Han Solo’s guide to Getting on top of the Email Inbox (a.k.a. Jabba the Hutt)
  6. “Use the phone Luke…” Master the telephone
  7. R2D2, C3PO and the Power of Delegation
  8. How the Death Star commander runs his Hyper-effective Meetings
  9. Yoda’s first rule: Do or do not, there is no try
  10. ”Luke! you switched off your targeting computer!” making time for yourself
  11. We need you. The Jedi must Prevail over the Evil Empire and why you matter

Active Garage blog series: The Origin of Leaders

One of the most sought after answers in our society is “Where do leaders come from?” We depend greatly on them, but what do we do to ensure that the future has the people with the leadership capability that we will need. If they are born, there is not much to do. If they can be developed, then we have a responsibility to systematize the process by which great leaders can be created.

  1. The Origin of Leaders Pt 1: Imagination. Developing your most powerful human talent.
  2. The Origin of Leaders Pt 2: Ambition. Breaking the chains of mediocrity.
  3. The Origin of Leaders Pt 3: Learning. Growing through the “Crucibles” in your life.
  4. The Origin of Leaders Pt 4: Self discipline. Cultivate the habit of completion.
  5. The Origin of Leaders Pt 5: Habits. Routine sets you free.
  6. The Origin of Leaders Pt 6: Focus. Eliminating Distractions.
  7. The Origin of Leaders Pt 7: “A” Players. Surrounding yourself with the right people
  8. The Origin of Leaders Pt 8: Leveraging. Helping others to expand the impact of your leadership.
  9. The Origin of Leaders Pt 9: Fulfillment. Continuing your journey for life.
